

GLOBALG.A.P. is a private association that establishes voluntary standards for the certification of agricultural products worldwide. Its goal is to achieve a single standard of Good Agricultural Practices (G.A.P.) with different product applications to suit the global agriculture as a whole.

The GLOBALG.A.P. standard serves, first and foremost, to assure consumers about agricultural food production methods, minimizing the impacts of environmentally harmful agricultural activities, chemical inputs, and ensuring a responsible approach to worker health and safety.

This certification scheme is accredited by Accredia in accordance with UNI CEI EN 17065.

More information at www.globalgap.org


Certification for occupational health and safety.

GRASP (Integrates what is already in the I.F.A. standard, Integrated Farm Assurance, about worker health and safety, focusing on the assessment of basic indicators about potential social risks on farms. Can only be applied to farms that already have I.F.A. certification).


FSC Chain of Custody (CoC) certification ensures the traceability of materials from well-managed forests, controlled sources, recovered materials, or a combination of these sources. CoC certification, therefore facilitates transparent flow along the supply chain and is essential to be able to apply FSC labels on products.

With CoC, an organization can demonstrate the responsible sourcing of the timber or paper used for its products and thus provide evidence of its contribution to sustainable forest management.
Products bearing the FSC label can also be composed of salvaged sources and controlled wood.

Read more at https://it.fsc.org/it-it/certificazioni/certificazione-di-catena-di-custodi


The technical product specification RESIDUO ZERO represents a useful tool for the enhancement of agricultural and agri-food productions obtained with production techniques that provide for important limitations in the use of plant protection products, particularly attentive to environmental impact and consumer health.

Products are defined as “Zero Residue” when residues of chemically synthesized plant protection products are less than or equal to 0.01 mg/kg (10 ppb). This threshold is intended as the limit of analytical quantification currently proposed by most qualified testing laboratories for much of the testing for pesticides.

More information at https://www.bioagricert.org/it/certificazione/qualita-prodotto/residuo-zero.html


ISCC Plus certification is a sustainability certification system. It covers all sustainable raw materials, including agricultural and forestry biomass, bio-based materials obtained from waste recycling, and renewable energy.

Certification under the ISCC standard covers the entire supply chain and can be applied to different sectors (industrial applications, energy, food) with the aim of protecting biodiversity in nature, preserving forests, protecting workers’ conditions and human rights).

More information at https://www.quality-net.it/certificazione-iscc-plus/


The BRC Global Standards is a leading global certification standard. he BRC mark is used in more than 60 countries, and its Food Safety standard is one of the most widely used food safety certifications. The standard establishes requirements for food safety management at all stages of production and distribution, including handling practices at each stage, equipment design, cleaning procedures, traceability and more.



IFS Food is an international standard for conformity assessment of products and processes in relation to food safety and quality. The IFS Food standard applies to suppliers at all stages of food processing subsequent to agricultural processing.

The requirements relate to the quality management system and the Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP) system, supported by detailed prerequisite programs, i.e., a set of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and Good Hygiene Practice (GHP) requirements.

For more information: https://www.ifs-certification.com/it/v